Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Internet Affiliate Marketing - Free Keyword Research Tools []

Internet Affiliate Marketing - Free Keyword Research Tools []

Question by : what is the best way to find keywords that have low competition and high demand ? I am starting an affiliate marketing business promoting different music, movie websites Best answer for what is the best way to find keywords that have low competition and high demand ?:

Answer by rowebi1
This tool has worked the best for me. That and just using google search and looking at the amount of people searching on a topic or phrase. But the tool does break out the keyword in detail. Have a great day and an even better tomorrow! Bill

Answer by Taylan
You can use google ad words tool. In that type the words you are thinking. Then check volume of the key words in one month(this is for high demand part) and accordingly CPC's should be low.(this is for low competition). it will work :)

Answer by SFactual
You'll have to use Google Adwords keyword tool to see what key words work. Here's a free video showing you how to do it: You don't have to sign up for anything to view the video. The video is a demo about how to make 5-figure affiliate commissions per sale of one item, but it has a good explanation of how you should be using the Google Adwords keyword tool to be effective (low competition, high demand, etc.).

Answer by BizSharing
You need to invest in paid keyword research tools. All free keyword tools don't show the long tail keyword which the one you should tackle on your marketing.

[best keywords affiliate marketing] This is one of the best and easiest keyword tools to use for average affiliate marketers. Very simple to use. Web-based. And it's cheap. Market Samurai Review Market Samurai Download Market Samurai Discount Download Market Samurai Market Samurai Free Trial Market Samurai Trial... Best Keyword Tool For Average Affiliate Marketers

Want to know the greatest free keyword research tools to start internet affiliate marketing? You got 'em - but let's talk about why each one is great. And free! That's the best part about them. This is all you need when you are getting started in the affiliate marketing business.

The AdWords Keyword Tool is ridiculously awesome for two reasons. One, it's a record (not exact, but close enough) of what searches are being done on Google, the largest and best search engine EVER. But secondly, you can use the AdWords keyword tool to start your keyword research on an offer that passes your sniff test. Google will you what it thinks is on the page. There is no better way to get relevance than that.

Free Keyword Tracker at This tool is my second favorite because it lets you dig deep in a hurry. All the results are clickable. This is ridiculously awesome: start with weight loss.

It gets 12,228 results. You'll never rank high for that keyword without paying an arm and a leg. So click on "fast weight loss." That has 2,115 results. Still too many. "Fast weight loss tips." 608 results. "Loss Weight Fast Anorexia Tips" 217 results. Now you can target, no? - The bottom of the search results now recommends other keywords to search for. Try it out. Not as user friendly as the first to, but still good. - Spacky is a new player on the scene. It has the results from Google, MSN and Yahoo. It is very user friendly.

What is great about Spacky, though, is that not only does it give you your search term and all of its long-tail phrases in the results, but it also goes on to recommend other variations that you have not thought of yet. It is like getting all of your wide and deep keyword searches done at the same time.

These are just to get you started - regardless of whether you have the money to invest or not. You can run an entire program with these tools.

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