Kamis, 12 Juli 2012

Affiliate Marketing Turn Your Blog Into Cash [affiliatemarketingsblog.blogspot.com]

Affiliate Marketing Turn Your Blog Into Cash [affiliatemarketingsblog.blogspot.com]

SpinChimp - The Professional Spinner

A simple to install and use wordpress plugin automatically changes all your blog posts to include affiliate marketing links

http://leafgardenpress.com/ Monetize your blog with this affiliate marketing wordpress plugin

So your home business blog is doing pretty well. Hundreds or thousands of visitors flock to your site each day, dedicated readers who return nightly to absorb your profound wisdom on life, foreign policy and the human condition.

Theyre receiving your priceless insights into the world, and youre not making a dime. All that hard work isnt doing anything for you except maybe making you feel good about enlightening the world, but come on!

Theres got to be a way to also benefit financially from all your hard work. Its time for you to hear about affiliate marketing.

Simply put, affiliate marketing is a partnership with other websites. You put a link on your site to their site and get paid for each click, registration and sale.

If you use affiliate marketing well, you can generate a high Return on Investment ROI with respect to the amount of time and effort invested in your home business blog. Used poorly, however, affiliate marketing can just be a waste of space on your site. Here are some tips on how to use affiliate marketing as more than placeholders.

1. Make the links relevant.

Your readers come to your blog for a reason. They come to read about your exploits in the jungles of South America or your forays into the vicious world of international politics.

Chances are readers in these areas arent going to want to go to a site selling Barney toys. Things they might be interested in are products that will save the jungles of South America or a book about an international diplomat.

You dont have to totally exclude the random Barney toys, because maybe some tree huggers are into Barney, but make sure that most of your affiliate marketing links are related to your content. Users will be more likely to click them.

2. Imbed affiliate marketing links in your articles.

If you just discovered a great charity for saving the jungles of South America that has an affiliate marketing program, include the link in the body of one of your articles. Links on the side can get lost by resized windows or ignored completely as useless advertisements.

Anything within an article, however, will be read and considered, because the author of the article, whose opinion the reader respects, feels that the other site is useful or worthwhile. The reader will be more likely to visit the link, and youll be more likely to make money.

3. Change the affiliate marketing links.

This is especially important if you have a returning user base. If your affiliate marketing links never change, people will not go to them because they will be old news.

Always be on the lookout for new affiliate marketing opportunities that you can take advantage of. New links will add mystery and intrigue to your site.

Users will be more likely to notice changes than to let the links simply fade into the background.

4. Make text of the affiliate marketing links exciting and inviting.

Most people arent going to click on a button that says Click here. Other than pure curiosity, which admittedly should never be ruled out, there is no incentive for users to follow these directions. Save the South American Jungle From Certain Slaughter has a much more enticing ring to it, what with the alliteration and all, and is sure to get your tree hugging audience interested.

Along the same lines of interesting and exciting, whenever possible include some kind of picture or banner with the links. A list of blue underlined words on the left hand side of a page is tough to wade through a banner with a forest fire draws immediate attention, and drawing attention to your links should be the goal of any affiliate marketing plan.

5. Dont rule out unpaid opportunities.

Some affiliate marketing programs are simply an exchange of links, a you link to me, Ill link to you deal. While these dont directly make you money, they do increase traffic to your site, and increased traffic means more money.

While your marketing plan obviously cant be using all this kind, they can be useful in boosting traffic, and through traffic, revenue. More Affiliate Marketing Turn Your Blog Into Cash Issues

Question by Unknown: What should a affiliate marketing be, a blog or website? I want to make a content based website. I want to make it a affiliate based website. Should I choose a place like wordpress or make it a regular website. Thanks for your help Best answer for What should a affiliate marketing be, a blog or website?:

Answer by mukeshdak76
for affiliate marketing both blog and Wordpress are good. But recommended is a Wordpress blog as almost all the functionality that a sit can have, can be achieved in Wordpress blog. Look of the homepage can be made like a site by making static homepage. using Wordpress for this has manifold advantages as a lot of automation can be made in Wordpress blog. almost no maintenance or tech issues, further features of wordpress blog can be customized for a novoice user to a very tech-savy. but it is recommended to have idea of self hosted blog Vs wordpress.com which is at http://reena.in/self-hosted-blog-vs-hosting-on-wordpress-dot-com/

[affiliate marketing your blog]

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